I've been on a sort of necessity fast from blogging for the last few weeks, but hopefully now that things are "slowing" down I should be on a little more often. Jon and I went down to Ohio with friends for the Cincinnati Homeschool Convention. Our friend, Scott, was a vendor there. We helped man the table and also had the opportunity to attend some of the lectures and spend time looking around at the curriculum tables. In time, I hope to share some of what we learned.
I have recently started doing some research on food/health and I am planning on writing perhaps a bi-weekly post on whatever it is that I have been studying. My dad often stressed the importance of making informed decisions, not blind or biased ones and that is surely needed in the area of health and food!
Jon and I have been married 8 months now! It is so hard to believe! Time has just flown by. . .
Well, I am off to start supper preparations-Lord willing, I am going to make a rhubarb pie for dessert to surprise my hubby!
Isn't rhubarb pie wonderful? :-) Hope the food research is going well, Sister. See you tomorrow, Lord Willing. I had better go see if cookies need baking. :-)